Sant Ajaib Singh ji

Sant Ajaib Singh Ji (1926-1997)

Sant Ajaib Singh Ji Maharaj was born on September 11, 1926, to a Sikh family in the Punjab town of Maina. Orphaned within days of His birth, Ajaib was raised by His great-uncle and aunt.  Like most natural  mystics, the young  Ajaib became interested in spiritual matters at an early age. He was reading Sikh scriptures when He was five years old. He quickly became impressed by the consistent emphasis in Jap Ji and the Adi Granth on the necessity of having a true spiritual teacher, or Satguru, and spent years looking for such a One who could show Him the way home to God. Throughout His youth, Ajaib sought out any yogi, faqir, sadhu or holy man who could explain the mysteries of God, Guru and Naam alluded to in Sikh writings.  In this way, His unfoldment mirrored that of Baba Jaimal Singh.  
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